Friday, March 9, 2012

Serbia Says Jailed Mladic Will Face War Crimes Trial

Serbian Government, via ReutersGeneral Ratko Mladic, center, arrived at court in Belgrade on Thursday. More Photos »

Ratko Mladic, the former Bosnian Serb general held responsible for the massacre of some 8,000 Muslim men and boys at Srebrenica in 1995, was arrested on Thursday, signaling Serbia’s intention of finally escaping the isolation it brought on itself during the Balkan wars, the bloodiest in Europe since World War II.

The Op-Ed columnist Roger Cohen recalls meeting Ratko Mladic in Belgrade in 1992.

Ratko Mladic, center, observed the positions of Bosnian government forces in Gorazde in 1994. More Photos »

The capture of the former general removes a major obstacle to Serbia’s becoming a member of the European Union, which had insisted that Mr. Mladic be apprehended and turned over for trial in an international court before the country could get on track to join the 27-nation union.

President Boris Tadic of Serbia gave few details in announcing the arrest but promised that Mr. Mladic would be turned over for trial at The Hague within days. “I think today we finished a difficult period in our recent history,” he said. For Europeans, buffeted by financial crises, the arrest of their most wanted war crime suspect has a resonance on the magnitude of the killing of Osama bin Laden for Americans. It also amounts to a significant diplomatic victory, suggesting that the incentive of membership in the world’s biggest trading bloc remains a crucial foreign policy tool in the post-cold war world.

Mr. Mladic had been at large for 15 years, and many European diplomats argued that Serbian officials could have arrested him long ago if they felt that the benefits of opening the door wider to the West outweighed appeals to virulent nationalism among some Serbs, who still regard Mr. Mladic as a hero.

Mr. Mladic was captured in the farming town of Lazarevo north of Belgrade after the authorities received a tip that a man resembling him was residing there. Serbia’s interior minister, Ivica Dacic, said that Mr. Mladic had been found with his own expired identification card and an old military book. Some Serbian news reports said he had been living under the name of Milorad Komadic and had labored as a construction worker. But the Interior Ministry said Thursday that it did not have evidence suggesting he had taken on a false identity.

The massacre at Srebrenica was the worst ethnically motivated mass murder on the European continent since World War II. Mr. Mladic was also accused of war crimes for the three-and-a-half-year siege of Sarajevo, in which 10,000 people died, including 3,500 children.

While close associates had predicted that Mr. Mladic would sooner kill himself than face capture, Serbian news media reported that he was alone at the time of his arrest and had two pistols with him that he made no attempt to use. The police said he did not resist arrest. Witnesses said he appeared disoriented and tired, and that one of his hands appeared to be paralyzed, possibly because of a stroke.

Many of the 27 members of the European Union had been in favor of rewarding Belgrade for its recent tilt toward Europe and the United States by advancing its move toward membership in the bloc. But some, especially the Netherlands, had insisted that as long as Mr. Mladic remained free, Serbia could not join the union.

Mr. Mladic’s crimes remained an emotional issue for the Dutch, whose peacekeepers were overrun at Srebrenica, allowing Mr. Mladic’s soldiers to mow down men and boys, their hands tied behind their backs.

“His arrest gives a strong signal to the world that anyone accused of the worst crimes can be brought to justice,” said Serge Brammertz, the prosecutor for the United Nations-based war crimes tribunal in The Hague. He said international pressure to block Serbia’s entry into the European Union was a vital prod that had precipitated the arrest. According to B92, the independent Serbian broadcasting company, residents in Lazarevo said that they were unaware that Mr. Mladic was living among them, but had spotted the police early Thursday at a house reportedly belonging to Mr. Mladic’s relatives. Serbian analysts said Lazarevo had had a large population of Bosnian Serbs since World War II, some of whom would have been sympathetic to Mr. Mladic. They said he had lived in the village for two months.

“Extradition is happening,” President Tadic said, referring to The Hague. “This is the end of the search for Mladic. It’s not the end of the search for all those who helped Mladic and others to hide and whether people from the government were involved.”

Dan Bilefsky reported from New York, and Doreen Carvajal from Paris. Marlise Simons contributed reporting from Paris, and David Rohde from New York.

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The Caucus: Romney to Make It Official Next Week

9:03 p.m. | Updated DES MOINES – Former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts intends to formally declare his bid for the Republican presidential nomination next week in New Hampshire.

Mr. Romney, who formed an exploratory campaign last month and has been aggressively raising money across the country, will make his announcement next Thursday at the Bittersweet Farm in Stratham, N.H., a campaign spokeswoman said. The site underscores the importance that New Hampshire, which holds the first primary of the 2012 campaign, will play in his strategy.

Mr. Romney, who is seeking the Republican presidential nomination for the second time, is also competing in other states. He is making his first visit on Friday to Iowa, whose caucuses open the nominating contest early next year.

Mr. Romney, 64, is seeking to shape his presidential campaign around themes of building the economy and restoring jobs. He argues that his business background makes him the strongest nominee to take on President Obama in the general election next year.

Yet before he can challenge Mr. Obama, Mr. Romney must navigate the politics of the Republican nominating contest. He has been sharply criticized by many influential voices in the party over the health care plan he signed into law as governor of Massachusetts, which many Republicans believe looks distressingly similar to the federal law signed last year by Mr. Obama.

In his second bid for the Republican nomination, Mr. Romney is taking a different approach, adopting a low-key style steeped in discipline. He has held only a handful of public events in recent months.

Mr. Romney did not attend the first Republican debate earlier this month in South Carolina. But party officials expect him to be on stage for the second debate on June 13 in New Hampshire.

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